End the Emotional Tug-of-War

+ Get Your Life Back

(With a Proven Recovery System and 6 Weeks of Round-the-Clock Support)





End the Emotional Tug-of-War

+ Get Your Life Back

 (With a Proven Recovery System And 6 Weeks of Daily Round-the-Clock Support)


Now Get Them Out of Your Head


I know exactly how it feels to be stuck reliving painful memories, drowning in self-doubt, and feeling emotionally wrecked.

But ask yourself this: where will you be a year from now if things don't change?

  • Still obsessively ruminating over their mind games
  • Constantly putting yourself down because you still hear their voice on repeat
  • Believing you're just not enough, no matter what

Or you can get out of that dark hole and feel genuinely good about yourself. Knowing you're a total catch and their warped reality can't shake you.

Time to decide - stay trapped in their distortion, or join me to get free, rebuild your confidence, and never let anyone make you feel small again.


You're exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster that follows a toxic relationship, desperately wanting stability but feeling trapped in a cycle of pain.

You long to feel confident and whole again, but find yourself constantly battling self-doubt and intrusive thoughts about your abuser.

You're tired of feeling stuck, knowing you should move on but struggling to break free from the emotional chains of your past.

You yearn for healthy relationships, but fear of being hurt again keeps you isolated and unable to trust.

You're frustrated by your inability to regulate your emotions, often swinging between anxiety, anger, and despair without warning.

You want to reclaim your power and sense of self, but feel lost on how to rebuild your identity after it was systematically broken down.


✅ You're exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster that follows a toxic relationship, desperately wanting stability but feeling trapped in a cycle of pain.

✅ You long to feel confident and whole again, but find yourself constantly battling self-doubt and intrusive thoughts about your abuser.

✅ You're tired of feeling stuck, knowing you should move on but struggling to break free from the emotional chains of your past.

✅ You yearn for healthy relationships, but fear of being hurt again keeps you isolated and unable to trust.

✅ You're frustrated by your inability to regulate your emotions, often swinging between anxiety, anger, and despair without warning.

✅ You want to reclaim your power and sense of self, but feel lost on how to rebuild your identity after it was systematically broken down.

You're Stuck On The "Hamster Wheel"

Trapped in a cycle of pain that you can't seem to escape even after a "discard," and it's zapping more and more time and emotional energy with each day, making it feel impossible to move on.

The worst part?

No matter what you try…

More education: watching yet another YouTube video hoping to find the missing puzzle piece

More time: waiting weeks, months or years waiting for "time to heal all"

More support: spending all your quality time with loved ones "venting" about the narcissist

And after all that, you're feeling the same or worse with each day that passes. You're basically one bad day away from caving and reaching out to the abusive person just to make things feel better for the moment....

And it feels like there’s nothing you can do about it!

So What Now?

How do you go from feeling like you'll NEVER get over this... to feeling emotionally free? 

How do you FINALLY break these toxic cycles and stop obsessing over the abusive person and all the things they've done?

And worse, how do quiet that gnawing question: Was I the problem all along?

Let’s start by asking a different question…

What if the fate of your recovery wasn't all on your shoulders?

Because you shouldn't have to go it alone!

Instead, imagine you had access to a proven recovery system AND round-the-clock emotional and educational support.

Imagine you felt fully supported and were able to do the work necessary to let go of emotional dependency and...

Finally start living the full, beautiful life you deserve!

Here's the thing...

The narcissist has taken ENOUGH from you.

Let today be the day YOU decide to take your life back. And you won't have to go it alone.

I can help.

Like you, I've felt lost, hopeless, and stuck after a relationship with a narcissist. My recovery was a long, often lonely journey - but it doesn't have to be that way for you.

I realized that with the right support, healing can be faster, easier, and far less isolating. That's why I created this program.

Through years of work, research, and deep self-exploration, I've not only reclaimed my power but developed a proven process to help you do the same - WITH all the support I wish I'd had back then!

Here's the thing...

The narcissist has taken ENOUGH from you.

Let today be the day YOU decide to take your life back. And you won't have to go it alone.

I can help.

Like you, I've felt lost, hopeless, and stuck after a relationship with a narcissist. My recovery was a long, often lonely journey - but it doesn't have to be that way for you.

I realized that with the right support, healing can be faster, easier, and far less isolating. That's why I created this program.

Through years of work, research, and deep self-exploration, I've not only reclaimed my power but developed a proven process to help you do the same - WITH all the support I wish I'd had back then!

Is the Breakthrough Intensive right for YOU? 

I get it. You're looking for help but don't want to waste time or money on something that simply isn't the right fit for where you are and what you're struggling with. And so I want to be crystal clear about who this program is for - and who it is not for. Which column are you in?



✅  You were in a relationship with a narcissist or any type of emotionally abusive relationship

✅  You know you should (and/or would) never go back BUT you sometimes feel like you want to

✅ You're finding yourself lost in obsessive thoughts about the abuse or the abuser

✅  You're struggling with emotional regulation in the aftermath (bouts of anxiety, anger, etc.)

✅  You're having trouble severing the emotional and/or energetic connection to the abusive person

✅ You’re ready to put the abuse AND the abuser behind you and move on!




❌  You're NOT ready to emotionally detach

❌  You're still with a narcissist and want to find ways to improve the relationship

❌  You're looking for content on the narcissist's motivations, intentions or actions (there are about a million free YouTube videos that can help you with this)

Are You Ready To Take Your Life Back?

You've been through hell. The confusion, the self-doubt, the endless hamster wheel of abuse - but you're here now, and that's huge. This program is your roadmap to healing, broken down into three powerful steps. No more fumbling in the dark or feeling like you're crazy.

Get Back To You

Remember who you were before the abuse? That person is still there. Let's bring them back, stronger than ever.

Discover Inner Peace

Sick of feeling on edge, waiting for the next emotional storm? Learn to steady yourself and find calm, even in rough waters.

Feel Supported

Tired of feeling like no one gets it? You're not alone anymore. We're in this together, every step of the way.


Here's HOW We'll Get You There

The Breakthrough Intensive is more than just a course. It's a comprehensive system designed to help you break the trauma bond, recover from narcissistic abuse and enhance your self-worth. And most importantly, it's designed to help you feel FULLY supported along the way. 

1. Heal the Hurt

Dive into 12 pre-recorded video sessions, each accompanied by tailored worksheets. These powerful lessons guide you through understanding narcissistic abuse, breaking trauma bonds, and rediscovering your authentic self. Work at your own pace, with lifetime access to all materials in this module.

2. Tame Your Triggers

Access a comprehensive toolkit designed for moments of emotional turbulence. This kit includes guided meditations for grounding, breathing exercises for instant calm, and journaling prompts for emotional processing. With strategies for managing anxiety and emotional triggers, you'll have lifetime access to tools to help you navigate challenging moments and build resilience.

3. Feel Less Alone

Experience round-the-clock support thanks to my exclusive AI-powered Recovery Coach where you can get instant answers, encouragement and guidance 24/7. Plus, receive daily 1-2 minute daily motivational videos to keep you inspired and on track throughout your journey. And for a limited time, enjoy a free private coaching session with Christina as a bonus! 


Sneak A Peek Into Your Breakthrough

This is where the real work is done. So get ready we roll up your sleeves and get to work with 12 carefully-crafted lessons and corresponding worksheets to help heal your hurt and level-up your life. 

And here's preview of some of the 12 topics we'll cover:


Got Q's? These A's Might Help!

So, if you were ready YESTERDAY to put an end to obsessive thoughts and conflicting feelings and FINALLY move on from the narcissist...

Join The Breakthrough Intensive and get a full suite of support that includes:


➕ 12 Healing Deep-Dive Videos with Corresponding Worksheets 

➕ Round-the-Clock Support From the AI Recovery Coach 

➕ Daily 1-2 Minute Support Videos for 6 Weeks (42 in total!)

➕ A Comprehensive Emotional First Aid Kit to help you deal with difficult emotions

➕ Lifetime Access to a Private Support Community 

BONUS: One Private 50-minute Coaching Session with Christina 



Get the support you need to get your life back.




4 Monthly Payments of $89




A One-Time Payment of $297