Your heart is hurting and your head is spinning.

This relationship was unlike anything you've ever experienced. 


And more than anything, you just want to stop feeling the dizzying array of emotions that are getting in the way of your actual life. 

I get it. Because I've been there.

My name is Christina, and in the past three years, I've walked alongside hundreds of people just like you along their path to emotional abuse recovery. And let me tell you, it's much sweeter on the other side. 

You Have More Power Than You Know


There's SO much I could say about what I learned along my own healing journey... including shadow work, recovered memories and divine intervention, but I'll keep this takeaway short and sweet:


We all have inner wisdom and spiritual guidance available to us.


I've since made it my mission to help others learn to use the guidance and assistance we all have to heal from emotional abuse.


These are tools I used to heal from narcissistic abuse, and I continue to use as I forge along on a lifelong quest to heal core wounds and life a happier, more fulfilled life. 


It takes a lifelong commitment to live a more heart-centered life (as opposed to the ego-centric life we're accustomed to), but before we can even think about that, there's the hurdle of moving beyond that toxic low-vibe relationship. 


Even if you feel like you've tried everything..

Even if you feel it's a lost cause...

Healing is within reach. 


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